Our beliefs are based purely on what the Bible teaches. It is God’s message to us and inspired entirely by Him. We have therefore put some Bible references next to each point for you to look up if you wish.
(2 Timothy 3 v16, Hebrews 1 v1, 2 Peter 1 v21)
The following core beliefs are expanded upon below, and give us great hope.
- Eternal Life
- God
- Jesus
- Man
- Baptism
Eternal Life
Jesus will return to the earth as was promised after his death, resurrection and ascension into heaven.
(Acts 1 v9-11, Luke 21 v25-31)
When Jesus returns he will set up God’s Kingdom, which will be centred in Jerusalem but cover the whole world. Eventually God will be ‘all and in all’ and his purpose will have been accomplished.
(Zechariah 9 v9, 1 Corinthians 15 v24-28, Revelation 21 v1-7)
His kingdom will be full of peace and righteousness, with no more pain or suffering or death.
(1 Corinthians 15 v26, Isaiah 11 v1-9, Isaiah 2 v2-4)
He will give a place in his kingdom to those who have faith in and belong to him.
(1 Corinthians 15 v23, Colossians 1 v12, John 11 v25)
There is only one God, who is all-powerful and eternal, who made the world and has a special purpose for it.
(1 Timothy 6 v15-16, Isaiah 43 v10-12, Acts 17 v22-31)
The holy spirit is God’s power, by which He carries out His purpose.
(Matthew 1 v18)
Jesus is the Son of God, but also the Son of Man as he was born to Mary. He was not physically part of God but was human, like us.
(Luke 22 v70, Matthew 1 v18-21, 16 v13-16, 1 Timothy 2 v5)
God, in his great love, provided Jesus who overcame every temptation to sin. Because of this, after dying on the cross he rose to life again as he did not deserve death. This gives us the hope of doing so too.
(John 3 v16, Acts 2 v22-24, Hebrews 2 v9-18, 5 v8-9)
God wants us to love and worship him willingly, so he has given us free will. However, our human nature means we have a tendency to disbelieve and resist Him. This is called sin and leads to death.
(Romans 7 v18-21, John 3 v18, James 1 v15)
When someone dies they cease to exist. The only hope of eternal life after death is by resurrection at Christ’s return.
(Ecclesiastes 9 v4-6, John 5 v28-29, Romans 6 v23, 1 Corinthians 15 v51-52)
The human tendency to sin described above is also sometimes personified in the Bible as the Devil, so Jesus is described as having destroyed the devil because he overcame sin.
(James 1 v13-15, Hebrews 2 v14)
We all sin and fall short of the ideal shown in Jesus’ life. But we can choose to be associated with Jesus through baptism. This makes us belong to him, meaning we are then reconciled to God and can share in his promises.
(Romans 3 v22-26, Romans 5 v8-10, Romans 6 v3-10)
Baptism into Jesus by immersion in water and a commitment to following the Bible’s teachings are necessary for salvation.
(Mark 16 v15-16, Acts 2 v36-38)
We can therefore only be baptised when we repent for our sins (being sorry and deciding to change our lives to follow Jesus’ teachings).
(Acts 3 v19, Acts 26 v20, 2 Corinthians 7 v10)
Faith, Hope, and Love (1 Corinthians 13 v13)
Our faith enables us to share the hope these promises give, and this is only possible thanks to the perfect love of God, through His son, Jesus Christ. We can in no way ever deserve this ourselves.
(Romans 6 v22-23, Ephesians 2 v8-9, 1 John 4 v10)
If you would like more detail about this exciting hope and our beliefs please come along and chat to us, or have a look at some of the links in our Find out more section or use the Get in Touch panel to request information.